Fun with AI – Designing Logos

Playing with Chat GPT to make some logos and see how well it does.

The prompt is “draw a logo that is 1024 x 237 pixels for the website Emperor’s that incorporates Slaanesh, Cthulhu and Hellraiser concepts with a heavy shading of purple.”

Another prompt: draw a logo for the website Emperor’s that incorporates Slaanesh, hellraiser and 80s rock band concepts with a heavy shading of purple.

For including Delaque I get this:

And I think my favorite

Echild or Echild07 or Refuse has been playing Slaanesh, Emperor's Children and Imperial Fists since the 80s! Loved the imagery and dichotomy in the "lost and the damned" books and love the pride and pain aspects of Imperial Fists and Emperor's Children.