I went out and purchased some construction paper thinking to cut out the Lament cube sides, but after looking at them realized that was a crazy amount of cutting and I would never get it all done.
So I started looking at 3d printing options and found this on Thingiverse.

Now the building bases I have are 5″ wide, so wanted to go with that as a size. So I asked a friend (@syserr) to scale up the sides to be 5″, and he started printing them last night.
Not we scaled the .stls by 162.8% to get it to 5″, so it is thicker than the originals, and that is a good thing.
Looking good on the planning stage, about 40 minutes to print.

And looking better after being printed.

Great size and amazing quality.

Nice and thin to put on top of the terrain.

The next 4 were queued up and I can’t wait to see how they went.

—Edit— @Syserr delivers amazing stuff The game is on!